Thursday, 31 March 2011

The way to me has been barred …

I’m glad to be back.  Unfortunately, my computer has been out of action for the last twenty-four hours or so.  I was using it yesterday when all of a sudden I was attacked by a virus.  I could do nothing to stop it, it totally disabled my computer and kicked me off the net.  Partly my own fault – my computer was not protected against viruses, happily this is now rectified and I am now protected, but it was expensive and worrying to get it fixed.  Fixed it has been however, and Radders is back in action, thankfully.


So now the gates are open to me again, thankfully, and it’s taught me an important lesson, the hard way, about being protected against viruses.  I didn’t think it would happen to me, but I found out the hard way it can happen to anyone.

Hope you are all well.

Love and Hugs Radders xx


  1. glad you survived the viral attacks, weird world we inhabit!

  2. Thanks acornmoon, you're so right it is a weird world we inhabit. It has been a very sobering experience - you think that it's not going to happen to you, but of course it can. Thanks for your comment - lovely to hear from you.

  3. When you said "the way to me has been barred" I instantly saw those similar immortal lines in du Maurier's Rebecca. Such a moving, wonderful novel (which I am currently pursuing as my final end-of-year project).

    Sorry to hear about your little virus problems - computers are excellent when they work, and darn nuisances when they don't!

  4. Hi Vintage Pretty - it's really funny that you should say that in a coincidental sort of way. Those gates are actually to the private part of country estate called Muckross in southern Ireland and the picture was taken last year when we were on holiday. At the time I took them, the thought in my head was that I had to take the photo because they reminded me of the gates to Manderley; Rebecca is also one of my favourite books. I first read it as a child and have loved it ever since and have seen several of the screen versions but my favourite has to be the black and white version with Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine. Lovely to hear from you Vintage Pretty - good luck with the studying.
