Saturday, 30 April 2011

Happy, Happy Birthday …



Oops! I am a little squiffy on champers as I type this. It's my birthday today ....

Yaaay!  Champagne lunch (thanks in-laws) and pressies (thanks in-laws, children and husband).  (This is beginning to sound like an Oscar speech!!)

Seriously, I've had a really good,  nay fantastic day thanks to my loved ones, who were determined to make it a good day.  It's not a special birthday for me, but being that I've had an exceptionally tough, tough year, they decided to make it really special for me.  And it has been.  Trouble is, now I want to sleep, but I can't I've got a special dinner tonight (thanks husband).  So I'm going to do my best not to nod off.  Can't guarantee it though, my eyes feel really heavy.  Ah well, maybe just 40 winks!

Love and Hugs Radders xxx

Friday, 29 April 2011


Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the wedding. Wishing them all the best here at Radders World.

Had to put this video clip on from YouTube. By far my personal favourite from a wonderful services was the hymn Jerusalem. It was one of my own wedding hymns. Beautiful. British. Enjoy.

Love and Hugs Radders

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

I feel like the door is closed to me and I want to know why …

Maybe this post isn’t as positive as it should be, I’ll apologise for that before I get going.  I am unemployed … There I’ll get up of my chair and say it “My name is Radders and I’m unemployed”.  I was made redundant just before Christmas and haven’t managed to find anything else yet.  Partly due to the fact that there’s a recession on and partly due to the fact that there just aren’t that many vacancies out there.  Also, I see great vacancies but just don’t have the confidence to go for them.

I have decided to take positive proactive steps to change this.  That tome on my bookshelves  on Career Management (Yes, you – the one gathering dust at the end of the shelf!) is going to get taken down and read.  I have to get myself up and going again somehow.  Can’t exactly say I am looking forward to this, as I’ve flicked through before and it’s not the most riveting of reads, but has to be done.  If there’s just one flicker of enlightenment or inspiration in there, it’ll be worth it.  I need to feel confident again, need to feel that I am controlling my circumstances instead of them controlling me.  I need to do this so here goes….

Wish me luck.


Love and Hugs Radders xx

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Something else I am interested in …

I love plants but when I was at Uni I developed a love for the rest of the countryside as well. 

I am now thinking about the environment in a mystical way, though. 

It all started because another of my passions is rocks and crystals.  I collect them and have been known, strangely, to pick up the most ordinary-looking rock or pebble because there was something about it that drew me to it. Weird really, I know …


I have always had a thing for the paranormal, too.  I know some people don’t believe and I think we should all be free to believe what we want.  This is just my personal view …

Somehow earth mysteries to me seems to combine a little bit of the two.  I found the above book in a second hand bookstore a while ago and had to buy it.  It’s a useful little primer on the subject of earth mysteries; what they are and what they aren’t.

The weather is grey today and cold here in west Wales, but today, I’ve got such a longing to be out there exploring.  I can’t explain it at all, so I think I will … I just love walking for its own sake and looking at what’s around me.  I am passionate about it.  Off I go then …

Love and Hugs Radders xx

Friday, 8 April 2011

I want to do something ….

Over the last few weeks, probably like many others amongst us, I have felt so moved by the plight of Japan, that I wanted to do something.

So …. I decided that as well as putting a fiver in the charity box I wanted to do something more.

So I have spent the day helping out in my local Red Cross shop.  It’s not much and it won’t change the world, but its left me feeling so good  tonight.

Okay, yes, my feet ache like you wouldn’t believe cos I’m not used to standing on them all day, but I’ve had so much fun and enjoyment out of it, that it more than makes up for the achy feet.

However, I’m determined not to moan.  The people in Japan are putting up with a hell of a lot more than aching feet.  My aching feet will pass in time, it’ll take the Japanese people a heck of a lot longer to rebuild their shattered lives.

Guess what?   I’m going back tomorrow for another few hours.  The people I’ve met today are a fantastic bunch and I’m really looking forward to it.  Can’t wait.


I’m off now to soak my aching paws.  Ahhh. Hot water …. bliss!

Love and Hugs

Bye for now Radders x

Thursday, 7 April 2011

A little beauty in an unexpected place …

As I said in my last post I intended to get out there and look at what was really around in terms of wild plants; this morning while out walking, I found and snapped these little beauties.  They were actually on a pavement side verge approaching the bridge to the local bypass.


So I stopped, whipped out my mobile phone, probably much to the amusement of passing drivers (“Oh look there’s a mad woman, out in daylight!” kind of thing) and proceeded to snap away to my heart’s content.

You probably can’t see them very well, but the blue flowers in the centre of the picture are grape hyacinths (Muscari neglectum) and they belong (strangely enough) to the lily family.  I suspect that they are a garden escape – but from where I cannot tell as there are no houses in the immediate vicinity.  Still, I suppose they could have been carried there by a bird or found their way there by some other means. 

I couldn’t tell whether they had a fragrance, like other hyacinths.  Frankly, err, the thought of getting down in the grass with crisp packets, cigarette ends and coke cans was not appealing so I didn’t bother, but I am excited to have found something that’s a little bit out of the ordinary, and had a lovely walk too.  The weather here in west Wales is setting up for quite a nice afternoon. What’s the weather like where you are? 

Bye for now

Love and Hugs Radders x

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Need to consider what’s actually there …

Just of late, I’ve gotten interested in plants again in a big way.  When I was at university reading Environmental Science, botany was by far and away my favourite subject.  I loved it, both for its own sake and also because I was lucky enough to have a lecturer who was really passionate about their subject and really brought it alive in a way that few could.  I love plants, in all their different varieties, families, genii; I find them endlessly fascinating.  So much so, that recently I started to research a book on plants, myself.  I’m now spending hours immersed in country, county and other books on flora. 

But I find myself with a dilemma.  Floras are great for telling you about the sheer variety of plant life, but how much of that plant life are you ever likely to see if you don’t live in a rural area.  For instance, the plant in the photograph below – It’s Red Valerian, Centranthus ruber, but this photograph was shot about two years ago now and to date I have seen this plant nowhere else.


Poppies, Papaver rhoeas, are a particular favourite of mine (not because of any narcotic associations I hasten to add in the case of Papaver somniferum, but simply because I think that they are far and away one of the most beautiful flowers in the UK flora), but how often are they seen growing wild.  Yes, you see them in gardens, but not that often wild where I live.


Your average roadside bank in some places is likely to consist of weeds, such as dandelions, and not much else.  And here I don’t mean weeds in a derogatory sense at all, just, maybe that they’re very common, it doesn’t make them any less beautiful as a plant to me.

So in keeping with my old lecturer’s advice to concentrate on what’s actually there and not what the book says should be there or what you think should be there, as of tomorrow I am out and about with the camera, to see actually what is there and to concentrate only on what’s there.

I would have gone today, but I’ve been thwarted by the good old Welsh weather, rain and plenty of it and wind too unfortunately.  So it will have to be tomorrow.

Hope you are all well.

Bye for now Radders xx