Friday, 8 April 2011

I want to do something ….

Over the last few weeks, probably like many others amongst us, I have felt so moved by the plight of Japan, that I wanted to do something.

So …. I decided that as well as putting a fiver in the charity box I wanted to do something more.

So I have spent the day helping out in my local Red Cross shop.  It’s not much and it won’t change the world, but its left me feeling so good  tonight.

Okay, yes, my feet ache like you wouldn’t believe cos I’m not used to standing on them all day, but I’ve had so much fun and enjoyment out of it, that it more than makes up for the achy feet.

However, I’m determined not to moan.  The people in Japan are putting up with a hell of a lot more than aching feet.  My aching feet will pass in time, it’ll take the Japanese people a heck of a lot longer to rebuild their shattered lives.

Guess what?   I’m going back tomorrow for another few hours.  The people I’ve met today are a fantastic bunch and I’m really looking forward to it.  Can’t wait.


I’m off now to soak my aching paws.  Ahhh. Hot water …. bliss!

Love and Hugs

Bye for now Radders x

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